What shouldn't be getting flushed down toilets
Here are a list of some of the common items we see causing septic problems.
- Flushable wipes/ wet wipes. Yes, they say you can flush them. However, they do not decompose the same way normal toilet paper does. This can cause problems and blockages in your pipes and in your tank. Instead throw the flushable wipes/wet wipes in the garbage.
- Feminine Products. These items should not be flushed down the toilet. They will cause blockages in your pipes and more issues if not properly disposed of in the garbage.
- Do NOT flush strong chemicals or paints down the toilet. These items need to be specially disposed of. They can cause blockages in your Septic System. And can kill the necessary bacteria in your tank.
- Cigarettes, children's toys, plastic, ect. Just because an item can be flushed down the toilet does not mean it should be. We see many of these items while doing service calls. They can cause sewer to back up into the home.